Wednesday, July 2, 2008

game college malaysia - gamfe astral sdn bhd

八月在pj,jayaone, 有一间新的学院成立



pm 我,可以了解更多







  来自北京师范大学的教育专家李教授认为:游戏行业从兴起到目前的高速发展只是短短几年时间,而且游戏开发专业也是一个跨专业的新学科体系,这对于长期注重理论教育,而且知识结构以线性设计为主的传统学历教育来说,教学课程的制定和设计难免会出现与市场的实际需要相脱节的现象,而通过与市场上的优势职业教育机构联合开设专业,不仅可以加快高校游戏专业建设,也有利于专业教育的优化。 游戏学院的 V.4.0课程体系,紧密跟踪了游戏制作方面的最新技术和市场的变化。为市场量身定做,具有很好的实用性和实践性.叫学效果良好.而且支持了众多高校开授游戏专业课程.为中国的游戏产业和游戏人才培养做出了很重要的贡献.

pm 我吧...想了解
课程简介:游戏学院职业培训课程V4.0是汇众益智(gamfe-astral sdn bhd)自2004年8月推出游戏学院2004版课程体系之后,历经3次更新升级精心研发而成的,也是我国首个基于游戏专业化、项目实战化的游戏职业教育课程体系。相比以往的课程体系,V4.0更人性化的课程设计,充分体现了对游戏设计初学者的关怀,以循序渐进的方式给予零基础学员良好的引导,使学员轻松掌握游戏设计与开发技能。该课程体系瞄准日新月异的游戏技术对人才的要求,以职业技能为核心,注重教学内容的科学性、先进性和规范性,突出实践创新能力的培养,特别注意了初、中、高级技能人才培养的衔接。



一、 游戏策划模块:


1. 掌握游戏创意说明书、故事情节、游戏元素、游戏任务、职业、规则、平衡、AI、技能、界面、操作、系统、关卡、活动策划的设计原则和方法;掌握游戏策划工作的方式和方法;能够编写完整的游戏策划案。

2. 掌握游戏运营相关知识,能够编写游戏活动策划案。


1. 编写1套完整的游戏策划案;

2. 利用关卡编辑器,制作简单的游戏关卡;

3. 在体验实际开发流程中,增加团队配合能力。


1. 各游戏开发公司执行策划、游戏角色设计、剧情策划、系统策划、关卡策划、任务策划。

2. 运营公司:文案、媒介、活动策划。

3. 网站类:各大门户网站、游戏网站、播客类网站游戏编辑;

二、 游戏美术设计模块:


1. 游戏角色制作:熟练使用Zbrush2.0软件完成法线贴图制作,掌握角色布线法则和游戏角色贴图绘制技能;

2. 游戏场景制作:掌握游戏场景制作的综合技能,能够完成游戏场景项目开发任务,熟练使用和理解场景编辑器;

3. 游戏动画制作:能够独立完成三维游戏角色动作的制作,掌握游戏动画设计、动作理论技能;

4. 游戏特效制作:掌握特效制作技巧,完成特效创作,熟练使用特效编辑器;

5. 游戏像素界面设计:掌握像素图制作技巧,理解UI设计思路及相关制作规范,独立完成项目界面设计;

6. 游戏原画设计:能够完成原画设计任务,拥有较强的设计理念,掌握商业级绘画技法;


1. 游戏原画设计作品:游戏角色(男、女)2张、怪物角色1张、卡通角色1张、写实场景1张、卡通场景1张游戏角色3d作品:游戏角色(男、女)2个、怪物角色1个、卡通角色2个.

2. 游戏动画作品:游戏角色(男、女)2套、怪物角色1套

3. 三维游戏场景作品:写实场景1套、卡通场景1套

4. 三维游戏特效作品:8种

5. 游戏像素图作品:多个

6. 熟练掌握游戏公司制作流程,模拟真实研发环境,熟悉各种开发工具


1. 游戏公司类:各游戏开发、代理公司、游戏外包公司;

2. 动漫公司类:各大动漫、游戏设计开发公司;

3. 设计公司类:各大UI设计公司,手机及网络公司。

三、 手机游戏开发模块


1. 手机游戏移植技能;

2. 手机游戏设计技能;

3. 手机游戏开发技能


1. 一款简单PC环境互动游戏;

2. 一款完整手机游戏


1. 手机游戏移植程序员

2. 手机游戏开发程序员

3. 手机游戏开发工程师

四、 网络游戏开发模块


1. 熟练使用C编写游戏中的逻辑;

2. 熟练运用常见的Windows API编写Windows程序,使用MFC编写游戏编辑器和工具;

3. 综合运用C、Windows API、DirectX、物理、数学、人工智能、网络等知识,开发完整的游戏DEMO


1. 完整的网络游戏DEMO;

2. 简单的游戏引擎;

3. 一些辅助开发的工具。


1. 客户端逻辑程序员(使用游戏引擎提供的接口开发游戏逻辑);

2. 服务器端逻辑程序员(使用游戏引擎提供的接口开发服务器端逻辑);

3. 工具开发程序员(为美术、策划、程序、GM等提供相应的工具);

4. 引擎程序员(游戏引擎中图形、物理、人工智能、网络等模块的研发);

5. 架构工程师(需求分析与设计,系统分析与设计,模块划分)。

mirai 500c8 camera

最高影像解析度: 1000 万像素 :3648x2736( 采用补差点技术)
感光元件: CMOS 500万像素处理器
内建记忆体: 16MB
存储媒体: SD卡,最大支持4GB
图像解析度及拍照张数(以外插256M SD卡计算) :
30万像素:640 x 480:822-1233张相片左右
200万像素:1600 x 1200:351-616张相片左右
300万像素:2048 x 1536:246-424张相片左右
700万像素:3072 x 2304:163-307张相片左右
摄影解析度: 640x480; 320 x 240; AVI格式(有声)
镜头规格化: 固定镜头,f=7.45mm / F=3.0
数码变焦 :4倍
快门: 电子式
自拍时间: 2秒,10秒
对焦模式: 自动对焦
焦距范围: 近拍 :25CM~50CM/ 一般 : 1.2m ~ 无限远
观景窗: 无
曝光值: -3.0EV ~ +3.0EV
白平衡: 日光 / 白炽灯 / 荧光灯 / 阴天 /自动
清晰度: 标准 / 税利 / 柔和
闪光模式: 自动 / 强制闪光 / 不强制闪光
文件格式: JPG,AVI
液晶显示器: 2.4英寸TFT 液晶显示
传输接口: USB2.0

多语言操作介面: 英文 /中文/俄
播放模式: 单张 / AVI
其它功能: 旋转图像,裁剪,列印,
三脚架连接座: 有
电池规格 :可充锂电电池
自动关机时间: 60秒,120秒,180秒,不关机
外观/尺寸/重量: 96.7x57.3x19.1cm / 80 g左右 (不含电池)
应用程序: Win98SE/2000/ME/XP
标准配置: USB 传输线/相机袋/锂电池/腕带 /操作说明/驱动光盘

Mirai is a brand that we create for future. We build this brand for green societyand healthy life. We need a clean and green technology for Future.Mirai is a japanese means future. This is a brand that bring you a lot of product that with solar, or save energy products.
now we bring u 500c8 mirai camera
a 10 mega pixel and lowest price product
check it out only with MIRAI .

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mirai bring u imazine ion watch!QQ


一 有关负离子的解说
二 有关远红外线的解说

Ionic Healthy Sports Watch, Size Medium-17cm, NEW
This ionic sports watch is made with environmental protected grade of silicone rubber, mixed with MAGMA-Q & Tourmaline resin powder on production. The ion products will emit negative ions and infrared ray. When wear next to the skin, it enables the body to absorb them and travel through the blood and lymphatic system to the body cells. As a result, it can make you calm, soothe, and relax your mind, ease your body tension, promote restful sleep, improve concentration, increase level of energys, strengthen your resistance to the effect of stress, boost your metabolism, enhance your immune function, and an overall improvement in well-being.
- ultra light weight (10 grams only), ergonomic design, fashionable colors
- 10 meters water resistance
- negative ion (anion) emittance (above 1900ions per cc)
- far infrared ray emittance (more than 90%)
- 2005 KIDP (Korea Institute of Design Promotion) good design award
- high quality silicone rubber, mixed with MAGMA-Q & Tourmaline resin powder on production
- size: medium-17 cm (large-18cm and small-16cm are also available in my other listings)
- color: blue, black, and white (please specify in your Paypal payment)
- instructions manual in English, Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese
- Large-digit digital clock- 1 atmosphere (1ATM) water resistence (manufacturer rated)- Awarded by Korea Institute of Design Promotion (manufacturer claimed)- Built with high quality silicone rubber- Ionizer (1900 ions/cc) and "far infrared ray" (>90%) help reduce fatigue and stress (manufacturer claimed)- Ships in any of the displayed colors (medium sized)- Comes with batteries- Weights only 10 grams- Medium sized 17cm wrist ring

rm68 per pcs


Mirai is a brand that we create for future. We build this brand for green society
and healthy life. We need a clean and green technology for Future.

Mirai is a japanese means future. This is a brand that bring you a lot of product that with solar, or save energy products.

Friday, June 27, 2008

solar charger -ITEC

Can solar power help save the Earth from the ravages of global warming? In the face of steeply rising oil prices and political turmoil in the Middle East there s new urgency and enthusiasm for finding ways to make solar power more efficient and affordable. From individuals installing solar panels on their roofs to industrial-scale projects in the Mojave desert featuring massive arrays of mirrors solar power is gaining ground in the US. And in Germany the world s leading developer of solar power is on track to produce 30 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. Breakthroughs in nanotechnology could make solar s future even brighter.

ITEC introduce you a multifunction solar charger
that can use on mp4 mp3 mp5 , handphone, and also can b use as a torch light(4 led light)

Solar Charging

Staying connected, informed and entertained on the go is your life. Alternative sources of energy for personal devices are a must for your wallet and your world. Set yourself free from the cost, wires and hassle of rechargeable or bulky backup batteries. Take the final step in true mobility with the only real mobile power source. Own the Sun. Solar Style.

Just clip on, plug in, and charge up!

Universal Charger – Power virtually all your electronic devices. Works out of the box with most common mobile phones, MP3 players, and GPS units - simply change the adaptor tip.
Stores Power - Charge your devices anytime, day or night. Internal rechargeable battery stores power for up to one year. (A full Solio H1000 will charge a typical mobile phone once or give 10 hours of MP3 music - just 1 hour of sunshine = 15 minutes talk time or 40 minutes of MP3 music).*
Hybrid Charger - Charge anywhere on Earth. Plug into the Sun and charge Solio through its solar panel, it’s free and green! Or use the included tip to charge from the USB port of any computer.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

migu mp3!! by itec on july


“咪咕”玩偶今后还将陆续推出系列设计,同时每款都将以限量发行的形式,以各种形式回馈给mystarbid 或itec 的顾客.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

never try never know -the only one lowest unique bid in MALAYSIA

Mystarbid is a website run by the Malaysian registered company and has four services center in Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Mystarbid are where products are placed on auction with the following rules:Bidders are asked to place their bid, a bid which they think no one else will duplicate, and the successful bidder will be the one with the LOWEST UNIQUE BID. An Administration Fee is charged per bid.

Without Credit Card :
1. If you do not have credit card or a verified paypal account, but you wish to purchase Bid Point,
please click here to contact our authorized agent or contact us at

With Credit Card :
1. Login to your mystarbid account. Click here to register now if you do not have.
2. Click on the amount that you would like to purchase.
3. Click Confirm to connect to paypal.
4. Login with your Paypal Account.Or click here to regiter one if you do not have.

Ready to Bid and Buy? Register here
Are you new to mystarbid?
Want to buy the hottest item at the lowest price? Get Ready to Bid and Buy! Register here

or check how our member win the prize with only usd2 or lower!!

Become mystarbid member and get the benefits of purchasing items through participating at a reverse auction, where the lowest and unique bid at the end of auction wins. From $0.01 you can be a winner and get that hottest item right at your finger tips.
It will only take few minutes and you are off to go, experience to bid and get the best items in town right here at mystarbid.

Monday, May 26, 2008

ITEC-introduce to you by


ITEC a brand new provider of digital lifestyle devices ITEC offers unrivalled breadth and depth of products and integrating technologies across platforms through the brand promise of “ SIMPLE LIFE ” including mp3,mp4,mp5, digital cameras, mobile phones and computing peripherals.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

super alarm mp3 by

Brand New & Third Party Product Multi-Function Digital Clock - Music player - Alarm - Speaker!!(Yamaha Sound , Natural sound system)

Bluelight LCD display
Bass Speaker Music player ( MP3/WMA supported )
Built-in 2gb / 4gb
SD / MMC card slot
USB port for transfer Music Data Music
Alarm (Set your Favorite Music as Alarm)

Specs: - Amplifier power output : RMS 3W x 2 (THD = 10%, fo = 1khz) - Signal to noise ratio (Amplifier): >=90dBA - Amplifier distortion: THD + N <0.5%> - Input Impendence: 10K ohm - Speaker Driver: 1.5 inch(40mm) , Magnetically Shielded, 4ohm - Power Input : DC 5V -

Dimension: 84 x 84 x 90 mm

4gb - RM238 2gb -RM188

call me now or 0163381172

Friday, May 2, 2008

Internet Career Builder-mystarbid



在读书的你,想打part time工找零用钱,补贴学费和生活费!

1)高commission RM1000~3000(part time)
3) 无须等到毕业!

mystarbid 东南亚唯一一个低价者得投标网站最近推出了网络销售企业家计划:

1. 培养更多销售企业家
2. 为网站增加更多会员.
3. 创造更多通过网站创造财富的年轻人.


1. 团购创业计划
2. 投标网站创业计划

你想创业吗?不需本钱, 只要努力, 就可达到, 联络我们吧!

we are an internet shopping center n distributor
you can sell our product as lowest price to your fren or customer

and earn the commission ..

mickey mouse mplayer 2gb our price is rmxx and market price is rm120-150
mickey mouse mplayer 4 gb our price is rmxxx and market price is rm130-180

so just simply sell 20 pcs u can earn rm1000 or more in a month.
and it is easy as paste in your friendster or forum, and get the money drop us the order, and wait for our shipment,
the price you get is dealer price,

for more info you can give me your email i will send u acatalog

and another one is to help us promote our website, then you can earn 12% from the bid point, check the faq, and understand the game flow, see the game result, then you will know more our lowest unique bid auction , 12% from the bid point u sell..

two ways to help you to earn rm1000 and more in a month.

20 pcs a month earn about rm1000, simple n easy job, sell in forum, sell in friendster, sell among your fren, and one month 3 shipment, see, just sell 5 pcs to 8 pcs a week, then get rm1000-1500 amonth, it is easy then ABC, one hours a days to post msg, send msg to your friends, to find some customer want to buy mp3, sell 50 pcs a month and get your rm3000-5000 amonth just in front your computer, online seller , a new way to get your income.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

free!!!free!!! bid it free now!!!

free free free!!! free @ my starbid!!!!

two free item in, bid it n get it free now!!! no need to pay any cents to get the items, join it n bid it now for free!!!


From 15 April - 31 April, we are having promotion buying Bid Points

Buy 20 Bid Point you will entitled to get 10% free

Buy 50 Bid Point you will entitled to get 20% free

Buy 100 Bid Point you will entitled to get 30% free\\

join now n bid at

Saturday, March 29, 2008

how to win in lowest unique bid?the lowest unique bid strategy

Can you imagine the possibilities that come with acquiring items lower than cost price? You can reap greater benefits if you discover the potential behind this. Besides keeping your prized item, you can opt to sell it at a higher price and indirectly earn a nice tidy sum for this. Otherwise, you are free to present your loved ones with the item you have just won. Imagine your girlfriend’s delight if you gave her a brand new N95 which you have won just by submitting the lowest unique bid.

what is lowest unique bid

The variation from the traditional style auction system is the auction result is awarded to the Lowest Unique Bid when the predetermined Required Number/time of Bids has been met and the auction is closed. THis is a quite new shopping style that very hot in australia, uk or state, and now we also have in singapore(tatarah), malaysia(astro,, jia yu channel)

the strategy for the lowest unique . (, ,

You should use your skill and judgement to develop a winning strategy.
The variation from the traditional style auction system is the auction result is awarded to the Lowest Unique Bid when the predetermined Required Number/time of Bids has been met and the auction is closed. Each Bidder is required to pay an Administration Fee in order to place a Bid. This is best illustrated with the following example:

Apple iPod Shuffle 1 gig - Recommended Retail Price : $199
Required. No. of Bids : 200
Administration Fee : $2.75
At the end of the auction the lowest ten bids may look like this :
Bid 1: $0.01
Bid 2: $0.01
Bid 3: $0.02
Bid 4: $0.02
Bid 5: $0.02
Bid 6: $0.03 Lowest Unique Bid
Bid 7: $0.04
Bid 8: $0.04
Bid 9: $0.05 Unique, but not the lowest
Bid 10: $0.06
Bid No.6 is the Lowest Unique Bidder and is awarded the auction result and would have to pay only 3c. He/she has therefore purchased an article for $3c (Bid Amount) + $2.75 (Admin Fee) = $2.78 = 1.4% of the Retail Price ($199)!
The game is easy to play and success depends on you being able to outwit fellow bidders by using your skill and strategy to place the lowest unique bid!


Try and predict where you think the auction will end and place bids around that price mark first..

Get your bids in early! If there is no single lowest unique bid then the winner is determined by the first person to place a bid.

75% of bids are made within the last 24 hours, make sure you have enough credits left to cancel out other bids!

1 some website will control it by time:
bid as much as budget you can, actually if you wish to buy a n95 at rm1600, you can take about rm1200 as budget, and put it as bid , then you can cover all the possibilities and you will grab the items at highest percentages. Bid at the website just new launch. like tatarah,com,

2 some website will control it by bidder:
if 600 bidder - you must wait until 299 bidder then the other 301 , you bid it all to full. then the possibility for your win is 100%

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

mystarbid- always the lowest price usd1.03 for Nokia n95

check the result at this link

Can you imagine the possibilities that come with acquiring items lower than cost price? You can reap greater benefits if you discover the potential behind this. Besides keeping your prized item, you can opt to sell it at a higher price and indirectly earn a nice tidy sum for this. Otherwise, you are free to present your loved ones with the item you have just won. Imagine your girlfriend’s delight if you gave her a brand new N95 which you have won just by submitting the lowest unique bid.

and join now

Friday, March 14, 2008

new love couple MP3 from love, my music, my couple, my heart, my first love

my love, my music, my couple, my heart, my first love

only rm288 , please call me for reserve, the stock will reach on 28 march

give a gift for you love, and enjoy the music together...

The best present for your lover, different color is available
1. Support the format of MP3/WMA&U-DISK
2. Windows compatible file system as removable drives (FAT 16/32)
3. Windows98/ME/2000/XP/Vista(NO driver procedures are needed above windows 98)
4. No display
5. Rechargeable battery
6. USB 2.0 Full Speed interface
7. MLC type NAND flash available
8. Necklace case, touch button.
1. Size:52 x 46 x 11mm A pair
2. Weight:About 30 grams (A pair players with battery)
3. Power: Rechargeable battery
4. Data transferring interface: USB 2.0 full Speed
5. Storage media: on-board flash memory (512MB/1GB/2GB/4GB)
6. Bit rates: MP3 format 8~320kbps, WMA format 64~384kbps
7. S/N ratio: 90dB
8. Earphone O/P: 50mW
9. Frequency response: 20Hz~20kHz
System Requirements
1. Windows 98/ SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista or later
2. PC with USB port

Thursday, March 13, 2008

funny stuff

Hey members

just get some funny stuff here,
anyway bid n win a n95 in
or for more info,

bid n win with lowest unique price at

Funny Pictures
Funny Videos

Funny Pictures
Funny Videos

Funny Pictures
Funny Videos

Funny Pictures
Funny Videos

Funny Pictures
Funny Videos

Funny Pictures
Funny Videos

check my website for n95 usd 2 too

bid it n win now web space advertising (ads promotion until June)

Dear Agent

we give you a 30% commission from the
ads space sell

1. 广告空间租用单位为三个月.(promotion
period until end of June)
1. Period for ads space rent is 3

2. 刊户如欲继续刊登广告,刊户必须在逾期前7天
2. If the advertiser want to continue
to put ads in our website, the payment
need to settle 7 days before ads

3. 所有刊登在本站的广告内容,无论以图片、文
All the materials and ads show in our
website must follow the govern law of

4. 本站商业广告的刊户,其业务(或非盈利)性质
The ads must follow malaysia rules and
the business ethic. The webmaster have
the right to terminate the ads that
not follow the rules, and we will
refund the money.

5. 本站商业广告的图片,皆必须依照相关广告空间
The ads that submit should base on the
details , size that we show in the

6. 刊户必须提供广告图片、文字、内容、链接.
The ads material, link, file ,
provided by the advertiser

7. 在本站商业广告,刊户可以选择是否要设定
The ads can link to your homepages,
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hit and trafic for your site.

8. 本站商业广告空间属本站拥有,本站有权力同意
we have the right to readjust price ,
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1. mystarbid商业广告是无纸张作业的广告宣传
Mystarbid is a paperless ads media,
and it help the company build a good
green image.

2. mystarbid商业广告,却没有这样的问题,由
my starbid ads is a computerised
message and will not increase the
expensese of the advertiser
3. mystarbid商业广告,无论刮风或下雨,只要
上网者有浏览 mystarbid,相关广告就会通过不同
mystarbid ads will show to the viewer
or the visitor every day 24/7
4. 在mystarbid商业广告中,浏览mystarbid者
mystarbid ads will show the ads to
everybody that view the pages, and the
visitors have no choice must view the
5. 在mystarbid商业广告中,商家可用远比一般
The ads will show in our website for 3
months period and it will create a
good impression to the visitor and
your potential customer

人数(daily 100++),达到更好的销售成绩

we have 35 agents, 200++ members, and
keep increasing everyday, and maintain
a daily traffic of 100 peoples. It
help you to increase sales

click to see
the webspace location

total for the rm80 we have 50 spaces ,
for the rm160 we have 10 spaces,
due to the spaces is under promotion
period, the ads will put in the
location by first come first serve.

The things we need :

1. company website or email
2. the jpeg /gif file from your
designer that base on our ads size
3. once this two things provide we
will upload it by 48 hours.
4. we will collect the payment by end
of the months

Stewart KS Low

Saturday, March 8, 2008

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new stock new stock, mp4, cj7, mp3, iphone design mp4, samsung design mp4, cheap cheap and worth all stock from hong kong

CHECK THE NEW STOCK ARRIVE NEXT WEEK!!!mp4, cj toys, hamburgers speaker, mini speaker and all the nice cheap stuff for bid n sell in

1.2.0"HI definition true color 262K TFT display; Touch Button
2.Support audio formats as MP3.WMA.WAV etc,
3.Play AVI. Movie Format.
4.Supports High Definition JPEG format photo browse;
5.Digital Recorder,A-B REPEAT;
6.Energy-saving settings,Brightness freely adujstalble,
7. Multiple languages supported;
8. Built-in High quality speaker;
9. Built-in FM radio, Game; High speed USB 2.0 transmit
10. Supports E-BOOK playback,and supports music listenng during E-book reading
11. Support six playing modes; seven standard EQ and Support Custom EQ
12. Support ID3 tag, Lyric displaying synchronously
13. 1 GB

Portable speakers with sound beyond size!

* Pocket size speakers - small enough to carry around on a daily basis.
* High quality Tweeter
* Patented Vacuum Bass which allows for big bass and volume.
* Unit comes with in-built rechargeable battery.
* Available Red, Black and White
• HIGH-FIDELITY SOUND WITH 2.2W power output
• Comes with USB power input cable/Audio plug
• 3.5mm audio plug - apply with all music player & digital products
• retractable "neck"
sales !!! rm250
all stock from hong kong